Sunday: My Favorite Day of The Week * Weekly Wellness

Mental History
5 min readMar 10, 2022

You read that right! Sundays are my favorite day of the week. I’m not sure if I’m alone in this like I think I am, but stay with me. I promise it will make sense when you’re done.

While you’re here — take a second to fill out my Women’s History Month Survey! I’d greatly appreciate it for the Podcast.

When you think of Sundays, you probably either think of ice cream or dread. (Get it? Sundaes?) Seriously though, the Sunday Scaries are a real thing. The dread and anxiety of endng your weekend and needing to go back to work is no joke — but I’m going to teach you how to drop the anxiety of the week and stop living for just the weekend. There’s lots of things that you can do to prepare yourself for the week ahead, and my advice won’t work for everyone. Take what I say and engrain it into your own routine… Then thank me.

Sundays are a time of rest for some.

For others, Sunday means getting all of the housework done. I use Sundays as a day of self-love. With so much stress going on in society, it’s easy to immerse yourself into Tik Tok and sleep all day. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that. What I’m suggesting, though, is treating yourself and setting yourself up for success for the week ahead. Again, feel free to make this process YOURS. That’s what’s so wonderful about my programs, if I do say so myself, they can be molded into what works for your busy life.

Any day of the week can be for self-care, but Sundays work well for my busy life.

The first thing that I do is eat whatever I want. This might sound silly, but it truly helps me throughout the week. I treat myself (and my dogs) to a nice, big breakfast. Sometimes I go out, sometimes I cook. Either way, I begin my day with a belly full of food and lots of good energy.

I also make sure to check my calendar for the week. I write down what I’d like to get done each day — ex: blog on Tuesday, laundry on Thursday, etc. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to stick to a rigid schedule, unless you want to and that’s what works for you. I like to set flexible goals so that if I’m having a high pain day or need rest, I can.

Rest is just as important as the work you’re putting into yourself.

The next thing that I do is get groceries for meal prep. I am very new to meal prepping, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve. When I cook, I make something balanced (carbs, healthy fats, protein, veggies) and something that I can eat everyday for lunch. So far, I only prepare my lunches but when I start prepping dinner I’ll share it with you all!! Here’s what I made for this week: Tri-colored tortellini with meat sauce, spinach, and green beans.

It was delicious!

The most important thing to keep in mind is you aren;t going to be doing these things to keep up with the Jones’. You’re going to be doing these practices to set yourself up for success.

The less you have to worry about packing your lunch everyday at work, the more time you have to devote to other things in your life.

Something that I love to do on Sundays is clean my house. If a whole deep clean isn’t possible, I do at least my bathroom and my bedroom.


These are the two rooms that I spend the most time in.

Remember, your goal isn’t to shame yourself into having the “perfect” home. Your goal is to treat your home with dignity, making it your safe space.

The last thing that I want to talk about is little ways that you can treat yourself on your day. I like to do yoga, but one thing that I can do even when I don’t have a ton of energy is my skincare. I use this heated Gua sha (seriously — best thing for your face) and I use my favorite skin-safe oils to massage my face. This will not only help you relax, but your skin will thank you!

Don’t forget to wear your comfiest Sunday clothes, and take some time from your busy day to remind yourself that you are worthy. You deserve rest, relaxation, and calmness… Even when you don’t feel like it.

I hope this helps make the Sunday Scaries go away quicker for you all!! If you enjoyed this read, check out my other posts here…

I’m doing a giveaway for Women’s History Month!! There’s still time left to enter and win a free spa set.


If you’d like to share your story of mental health anonymously on the Weekly Wellness Podcast please fill out this survey.

Thank you all.

Stay Well!

Weekly Wellness Blog & Podcast

Originally published at on March 10, 2022.

