An Open Letter To The World * Weekly Wellness

Mental History
3 min readFeb 11, 2022

An open letter to the person who’s struggling right now.

You probably don’t know me, but this letter will reach you if you need it.

Everyone sees you, constantly making sure everyone else is taken care of. We all see you struggling to make ends meet with what you have to work with. You’re seen trying to get your health under control, at every confusing turn.

Something to acknowledge is that life right now is probably harder than it’s ever been. We’ve been going through history since 2020, and it can be draining. There’s a lot of talk about taking care of yourself, but if you were never a priority to yourself in the first place, chances are you’ve slipped even further from the center of attention.

It’s okay. Everyone starts somewhere, and new beginnings are an opportunity to do it right this time.

Before you can start taking care of yourself, you need to love yourself. You deserve the kind of love that is unconditional — if you don’t give this to yourself, who will? Self love can become less of a priority as we get wrapped up in the everyday — chores, errands, kids, pets, family, friends, work… It’s true, when we are made to feel like we deserve less, we believe it.

But, if you begin to put self love into the forefront of your priorities, you can rewire your brain.

You have the power to reframe your mindset: to take those negative, fearful thoughts and turn them into positive, hopeful experiences.

I’m not selling you a dream here, it will take lots of work.

Self discovery can bring tears, aches, old wounds, and be scary. But when you come out on the other side — you will see sunshine.

Once you’ve become best friends with yourself, anything is possible.

Your days will seem brighter, your smile won’t fade the second that you’re left alone, and you will break out of the vicious cycle of waiting for the week to be over.

I know you have it in you.

Why don’t you join me?

- Veronica

“Breaking stigmas with real solutions”

Weekly Wellness Blog & Podcast (Anchor & Spotify)

Originally published at on February 11, 2022.

